Chad Zeman's


Carmel Fire Department Open House


Today was an Open House at the Carmel Fire Department.  It was a really cool way to spend the afternoon.   They had all kinds of activities for the kids, and Sophia and Allie really had a good time.

      Here's Allie and Sophia trying out the fire hoses.  
All of the local fire departments had equipment there.  There were fire trucks, ambulances (more than a few flashbacks for me!) HazMat trucks, etc.  We were able to check out all of the trucks, and the four of us even took a ride in the bucket of the Brewster F.D ladder truck.
Hey Dad, can I borrow the keys?

Only Sophia can make this look stylish!
Good one, Mom!
In addition to the Fire Departments, there were also demonstrations by the NY State Troopers, the Putnam County Sheriff's Department, and a fly over by the Carmel Police Helicopter.  The girls favorite part was a trailer that was a mock up of a house, just their size.  They had to go through and identify all of the fire hazards they could find.  They had stuff like matches laying around, a dish towel sitting on the stove, etc.  The sneakiest one, that got by most of the grown ups too, was a can of soda sitting on top of the TV.  If it spills into the TV it could spark and cause a fire.  Obvious once you see it, right?

What better way to end the afternoon than heading across the street to Scoops for a couple of milk shakes while the weather will still let you?

All in all it was a fun day for the girls, and us.   And, if you don't believe me, would this face lie????

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  1. Great pictures Dude, Sophia has the pepsodent smile! Ali appears to have had a great time too. A good time for all! I forgot to ask, when did Sophia get her drives license?

  2. Thanks! Don't rush her.... she'll be asking for the keys for real before I know it.
